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Why buy a used Rotary Screw Compressor?

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If you are considering buying a Rotary Screw Compressor why buy a used Screw Compressor?

First, why buy a Rotary Screw Compressor at all?

  • Rotary screw air compressors are the kings of air compressors. The design of the rotary screw air end is the highest technological advance in compressed air on the market today. Screw compressors run more efficiently, cleaner, and quieter than other types of compressors. Rotary screws also last many years, a well maintained screw compressor can run 80,000-100,000 hours before major repairs are necessary to the motor and the pump.

Why buy a Used Rotary Screw Compressor?

  • Undeniably you will save thousands of dollars buying a used compressor. Depending on what size you need a new compressor can cost anywhere from $12,000 up to $100,000 or more.
  • Secondly, you will save time buying a used compressor that has been tested and is ready to be shipped immediately. It can take up to 6 weeks for a new screw compressor to be ready for installation if ordered direct from the manufacturer.
  • Lastly, a used compressor has passed the break in test, any possible manufacturing defects have been overcome and the compressor is ready to be put into service and keep your business up and running without major down time.


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